Activating Allyship to Combat Anti-Black Racism
Friday, June 05, 2020, 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM CDT
Category: TCDIP Events
Activating Allyship to Combat Anti-Black Racism
Our Twin Cities communities are hurting following the tragic killing of George Floyd. In this moment, it’s more important than ever to active meaningful allyship and to address anti-black racism. Join TCDIP and moderator Brandon Blakely for a conversation with Ritu Bhasin , an expert on equity, diversity and inclusion. During this program, you’ll have the opportunity to ask Ritu questions about how you can support diverse legal professionals and colleagues – Black professionals and colleagues in particular – and center your workplace around equity. During the program, we will ask Ritu to talk about:
Please come prepared to ask lots of questions to help you navigate this difficult time. We thank Ritu from providing this session pro bono at a time of great need.