Summer Alliance
Wednesday, August 12, 2020, 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM CDT
Category: TCDIP Events
Twin Cities Diversity in Practice Summer Alliance
Join us for a virtual gathering as we come together during a tumultuous summer. For over 16 years, the TCDIP Summer Social has provided an opportunity for members of our affinity bar organizations and legal community to connect. This year, as we face a global pandemic and take action for racial justice, we’re turning our social into an alliance. More than ever, we need a space to reflect and build community.
During the 2020 Summer Alliance, you will virtually meet new people and re-connect with colleagues, while also enjoying a topical show by Blackout, a group who “seek[s] to put more Black performers on more stages, to create comedic dialogue around serious truths, and to provide improv access for Black students.” Blackout will also be leading us in small-group discussions. Since many of us are working from home, your family or household members are also welcome to join us. We hope to see you there! This program is intended for all legal professionals living in the Twin Cities area, including those who are not at TCDIP Member Organizations. |